This is a test. I’m curious to see if this is a viable way to do a quick write up and share links with my audience that maybe wouldn’t be possible on YouTube due to TOS.
Build List:
I've wanted to blog out some of my gear videos and this gives me the opportunity to do just that and talk about gear that maybe cant get it's own video.
One such item is this Tourniquet from North American Rescue. Its TCCC rated and it's said that a majority of combat fatalities in the middle east conflicts would be been prevented if they had some sort of TQ available. I personally carry one on a daily basis(usually readily available in a back pack) I recommend that you purchase a few and learn to use them.
Lastly I'll mention the PCTiii shot timer is one of the greatest training tools you can buy. It aids you in that ever elusive goal of going faster.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before:
What gets measured gets improved.
If you have questions, DM me directly on Instagram or write it out below.
Prep Accordingly